Monday, November 15, 2010

Motivational Monday #25 - The Swing of Things

My family took advantage of a few days of wonderful weather and went on vacation.  While the car trip is always long, the vacation was nice and the kids had a wonderful time. 

Now we are back.

As much as I love arriving home after a trip, with the promise of my own pillow just ahead of me, I do not like the process of getting back into the swing of things. Unpacking, starting laundry, cleaning out the furry thing I forgot in the know the drill.

When we break routine and do something different, be it relaxing or not, we eventually have to get back to our regularly scheduled programming...and thus our regular lives.

However, getting back into things can be fun at times.  I have to admit I enjoyed seeing how much my garden had grown since I left.  I also was excited to see the mail that had arrived and the packages that had been delivered.  I was not as excited to dig into the hundreds of emails, most of which were junk.

One interesting side effect of a few days away was that I noticed the things I do that have no purpose.  There are tasks I complete, routines I follow, and yes, I admit it, a few habits I have, that serve no real purpose and are time suckers.  Ahhhh, the perspective of vacation.

Anyway, it does not take a vacation to take a fresh look at things.  You can use Monday as an excuse to look at things with new eyes and jump back into your life with renewed gusto.  For that matter, Tuesday is a good excuse to do the same thing...

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